Colby trying really hard not to step on Santa's footprints. I see presents! Hey is this one for me, Nate?
Let the opening begin! Splish splash Colby tried to climb in the sink! Look Nate there is 1 more present from Mommy and Daddy! Is this what I think it is??? Yes, our 3 year old has an Ipod touch! We were very tired of sharing our Iphones with him. LOL Santa Colby. Christmas morning is a lot of work! Colby wore the Santa suit all day! And I think Nathan carried around the Ipod for almost the whole day and the week after! They really had a great day! I didn't take any pics once everyone started coming...if you have some send them to me :)
1 comment:
(a) I can't believe Colby wore the Santa suit almost all day.
(b) How long until Colby deletes something from Nathan's iPod ("It's NOT A PHONE!" (c) 2009, John Bavaro) the way he deleted two of my iPhone apps?
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