We started out the morning bright and early at the Magic Kingdom. Nathan had reservations at The Pirate League for a makeover. We didn't want Colby to feel left out (have to be 4 for the makeover) so we brought along a matching costume for him too!
On the way out we were again side tracked by Colby. He wanted to go watch Dream Along with Mickey (again) This is his favorite! He watches it over and over again on his Ipod. Knows it word for word!

Again side tracked by the parade...
This picture is for Devynn and John! Dont ask!

Now it was Colby's turn to be picked! Goofy came right up to him and asked him to go out and dance with him!

We hopped on the monorail to the TTC for a bus to DHS.

After a few ride at Hollywood Studio we were off for dinner in Epcot for dinner at Le Cellier!
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