Are seedings were getting OUT OF CONTROL! We started them when we were supposed to, but they really took off. We had no choice but to move them outside. Hope the frost stays away!
John scored 2 tickets for Opening Day yesterday. Cheap too! Nathan was so excited.
Hot chocolate for the chilly day! Nate slept through the first SIX innings! The opening ceremony was just too long for him! LOL I am awake, what are you talking about? (sorry for some reason the pictures are uploading in the wrong order)
When Disney launched their Give A Day Get A Day program we knew we wanted to get involved. We love anything Disney. And anything that can help someone else we are all for!
January 1st we signed up. John chose to do a day with Habitat for Humanity and I chose to help babies and children through Bundles Of Love. Nathan (and Colby) really wanted to help, but the minimum age was 6 years old.
This weekend was my collection time. While we didn't receive as much as I had hoped we were able to fill 9 boxes and 2 bags full of goodies! (Thank you to everyone who donated!)
We were very lucky to be chosen again this year to get tickets to the Annual White House Easter Egg Roll.
This year we had the 1st time slot at 7:45 am. We were hoping that Obama would come out to do the greeting before he headed out for the Orioles game. But he didn't.
We did get to see him leave to head to the game. He is in there waving! Afterwards we took the boys to see the Cherry Blossoms. Last stop was a quick pass renewal at Six Flags America.