Colby is officially walking 99% of the time!
Yay! He waited till his 13 month birthday and just really took off! He looks so cute! He does really well! He has mastered turns and walking backwards already!
Colby is saying sooo much! He repeats almost anything you ask him to! He says and signs both please and thank you. Says almost every one's name but his own! He refuses to say Colby ! Don't know why he sure hears it enough!
He LOVES to climb on everything. He gets on the couch just to give you a kiss.
He has decided that he is a big boy now. He sits at the kids table for most meals. He also has joined all the kids for work time! He loves to color and draw!
Last Sunday I decided to wean him. I was told by the doctor to wait 6 weeks and reintroduce milk. Which I did..but he refuses to drink it. But he drinks and eats so much dairy, yogurt and cheese that I am not worried. Monday night he was a mess! He cried for 2 hours and then only slept for 2 hours before starting the whole process over again. I thought I was doomed. But Monday he did great at nap time..and that night he only fussed for a few minutes. And that was that! He is like Nate...he likes to have not one but 2 cups of water with him at bed time. He will not go to sleep until he has 2 cups! But hey he is sleeping 9+ hours every night in his crib so who am I to argue!
His new favorite thing is juice. I am not sure where he even learned the word..but he knows it well! Nathan doesn't like juice and most of the kids at the day care don't even care for it...but non the less he LOVES it! And will ask for it often! And he likes all kinds of juice. I think its because he LOVES his fruit so much!
We took him Saturday to get another hair cut. He looks so cute. We had the back and side shaved! He was soo good! He did fuss for a few seconds at one part but that was it!
My baby is getting so big :(